Disgruntled vassals will now band together in revolt against your rule through their faction. Experience Factional Revolts: No more easily defeated rebellions. New faction system: Join a royal faction and use your allies in the party to enhance your strength and tear down rivals. You are of course allowed to declare war even if you have Retinues. Unlike armies in other games, for example Europa Universalis, Retinues only cost maintenance while they reinforce. Retinues reinforce in the field, like mercenaries, and when you first hire them, they start with 1 man. There are many types of Retinues available for hire - including several unique cultural variants - though they always come in 500-man regiments with a commander of your own culture. However, even at max tech, levies will still account for the majority of your armies. The downside is that, as your Retinue capacity increases, your normal levies decrease in size. Over time, the Retinues turn into proper standing armies. At the start of the game, most rulers are not able to employ Retinues, but it becomes possible as their total manpower (based on all the levies in their realm) and average Military Organization (a new technology) level increase. Retinues are your household guard your elite core of professional soldiers.